Filipino Canadians Have Honoured Ms. Chotalia's Work
International Homemaker's Association of Alberta Appreciation Award
"for outstanding& dedicated service" Service to Filipino women, 1993-1994
Litigation for Filipino Nannies
Ms. Chotalia litigated major cases to safeguard the rights of Filipino nannies being deported from Canada for health reasons and developed a line of cases that held that the Department of Immigration had to treat them in a fair and reasonable manner.
Felipe v M.E.I. [1994] Imm 5296-93 (F.C.T.D.)
Judicial review challenging medical inadmissibility provisions being then s. 19(1)(a)(ii) Immigration Act on basis of violation
of s. 15 Charter – applicant contracting breast cancer in Canada and being subject to removal.
See also Turingan v M.E.I. (1993) 72 F.T.R. 316 (F.C.T.D.)(A.C.J. Jerome) Judicial review – judgment establishing the
unique nature of foreign domestic worker program; duty of fairness
Camara v. MCI 2009 IMM-5694-08 successful judicial review of negative decision re: refusal to grant TRP to a caregiver whose daughter is medically inadmissible
Bautista v. M.C.I. (January 16, 2006) IMM-2866–05 (F. C. T.D.) (FCA)
Judicial review of inadmissibility of permanent resident on basis of criminality; issue of whether s.196 IRPA transitions provisions nullify appeal to Board thus prohibiting consideration of humanitarian and compassionate factors.
Felipe v M.E.I. [1994] Imm 5296-93 (F.C.T.D.)
Judicial review challenging medical inadmissibility provisions being then s. 19(1)(a)(ii) Immigration Act on basis of violation
of s. 15 Charter – applicant contracting breast cancer in Canada and being subject to removal.
See also Turingan v M.E.I. (1993) 72 F.T.R. 316 (F.C.T.D.)(A.C.J. Jerome) Judicial review – judgment establishing the
unique nature of foreign domestic worker program; duty of fairness
Camara v. MCI 2009 IMM-5694-08 successful judicial review of negative decision re: refusal to grant TRP to a caregiver whose daughter is medically inadmissible
Bautista v. M.C.I. (January 16, 2006) IMM-2866–05 (F. C. T.D.) (FCA)
Judicial review of inadmissibility of permanent resident on basis of criminality; issue of whether s.196 IRPA transitions provisions nullify appeal to Board thus prohibiting consideration of humanitarian and compassionate factors.