MVA Cases
Shirish handled a number of other civil actions in the area:
S. v. P. (2014 - 2019) (Action No. 1503 07962)
Passenger in a fatal accident. Serious injuries - return to work issues - loss of dependency - causation et. al. - minor & complex issues of Ontario health care claims; negotiated significant settlement
Pande v. Kurian (2007) (Action No. 060310849)
Pedestrian struck by car; issues of liability – negotiated significant settlement
Soriano, Public Trustee et. al. v. Teirle (2004) (Action No: 0403 16165) Fatal Accidents action;
26 year old pedestrian struck and killed; economic loss to estate
D. Settlement (1989)
Loss of long term memory post accident; victim unable to recall personal relationship with wife; liability & quantum issues resolved with significant award
Ms. Chotalia has handled complex injury cases for more than 30 years. She has litigated fatal accident claims, and complex injury cases including brain injury and memory loss. She is not afraid to take insurance companies to court.
Ms. Chotalia has settled complex injury cases. She can offer you a free consultation to discuss your injury case.