Check Out Ms. Chotalia on
Books Written by Ms. Chotalia![]() The Annotated Canadian Human Rights Act 1994,
Carswell Thompson Professional Publishing Scarborough Ontario (updated and annotated text for the years 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 & 2000) Human Rights Law in Canada, 1996, Carswell Thompson Professional Publishing, ScarboroughOntario(updated to 2000) Additional Authors: Nayyer, Kim (Ontario) Human Rights Law, Cases and Materials,1996, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Alberta 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 |
The Personal Data Protection Act: A New Model for Personal Data Protection

LL.M. Thesis, University of Alberta, 1991
Creation of New Legislation for Protection of Personal Data Rights in the Information Age - Reflects understanding of Canadian and international human rights, constitutional, and personal information laws; uses human rights administrative statutes to draft and recommend model personal data protection act
Creation of New Legislation for Protection of Personal Data Rights in the Information Age - Reflects understanding of Canadian and international human rights, constitutional, and personal information laws; uses human rights administrative statutes to draft and recommend model personal data protection act
Articles and Papers
1. "Unconstitutionality of Video-Tape Evidence" Criminal Trial Lawyers Association Newsletter 1988
2. "Computers and the Law" (1988) Softwarehouse Prologue 11
3. "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - Law and Practice - Book Review" Journal of Individual Employment Rights Vol 1 4 (1992)
4. "Reporting Sexual Harassment" Dignity (1992) Vol 3 No.7 2.
5. "Human Rights Legislation - Does the Administrative Structure Enhance the Objectives of the Legislation?"Canadian "Human Rights Legislation - Does the Administrative Structure Enhance the Objectives of the Legislation?"Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice (1993) Vol 7 No. 1 67; Paper presented to the Canadian Bar Association -Administrative Law Section - September 1992; (1993) Vol 7 No. 1 67; Paper presented to the Canadian Bar Association -Administrative Law Section - September 1992;
6. Book Review - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - Law and Practice, By A. Conte, 1992-93, Journal of Individual Employment Rights Vol 1 No. 4 372
7. "The Supreme Court and Mandatory Retirement - Sanctioning the Status Quo" (1993) Constitutional Forum Vol 4 No. 3 (spring) 67 Edmonton, Alberta [published by the Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta]
8. "The Canada Clause and the Charter" Oct. 1992 As presented at Forum sponsored by Centre for Constitutional Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, edited version published as "The Canada Clause That Was: How Courts Use Interpretative Clauses" (1993) Constitutional Forum Vol 4 No. 2 (winter) 38 Edmonton, Alberta
9. "Articling Interviews - Do You Have Human Rights Concerns?" (1993) 23 No. 3 (Feb.) Canons of Construction 8, Faculty of Law, University of
10. "Sexual Harassment Laws in Canada - It is all a Question of Power" (1994-95) J. I. E. R. Vol 3 (2) 155
11. "Human Rights - What is the Alberta Human Rights Commission All About?" (1993) Vol 17 No. 10 July/August Law Now
12. "Privacy Issues and Bill 1 - Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act" Written Submissions And Paper To All Party Committee on the same, 1993; Paper Provided to Freedom of Information and Privacy Association of Alberta
13. "Alberta Human Rights Commission Abdicates Its Mandate" Edmonton Journal, May 17, 1994, A-9
14. "Immigrant Women and the Law - Double the Difficulty" (1994) Law Now Vol 19 No. 1 August/September
15. "The Vriend Decision - A case study in Constitutional Remedies in the Human Rights Context" Alberta Law Review September 1994 Vol 32 Issue 4
16. "Are Academic Freedom and Free Speech Defences to a Poisoned Educational Environment? What Can Ross Tell Us about Sexual Harassment?" Presented in Dallas Texas to the Academy of Legal Studies in Business August 1994 and published in the Alberta Law Review (1995) June Vol 33 Issue 3 at 573
17. "Law, Justice, Truth and Reconciliation - One Lawyer's Perspective" Commonwealth Bar Conference - Canadian Bar Association - presented in the Opening Plenary August 26, 1996.
18. "Servants, Slaves or Women? How Does the World Treat Domestic Workers? Does a Rich Nation Like Canada Treat Them Better?" - presented to the International Bar Association Conference, New Delhi, India, November 7, 1997.
19. "Effectively Managing Workplace Privacy: Employer & Employee Concerns "October 1998 Infonex Business Information Connection Conference Calgary, Alberta
20. "Sexual Harassment Laws Creep Into the New Millennium - What's New Pussycat? Liability, Damages, Civil Actions" June 1999 paper (e.&o.) Labour Arbitration Conference, University of Calgary
21. “Access to Justice and the Appointment Process in the Canadian Judicial System” Prepared for the Conference of the International Bar Association, Sept 20, 2000 “Women on the Bench” Amsterdam
22. “How the Live-in Caregivers Program can Benefit Foreign Caregivers as Well” Inside Immigration Canadian Bar Association Newsletter (Feb 2001) p. 2
23. “Who Can Move to Canada? An Overview of the New Immigration Law” (2003) Vol 28 No. 3 Dec/Jan 2004 Law Now p. 9
24. “Sexual Harassment Laws In Canada” International Journal of Discrimination & the Law, 2005, Vol 7, pp 199-227 (Great Britain)
25. “Arbitration Using Sharia Law in Canada: A Constitutional and Human Rights Perspective” Constitutional Forum, 2006, Vol 15, No. 2, p 63, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta; presented in preliminary form as “Religious Arbitration & Religious Freedom” to Center for Constitutional Studies Forum, Faculty of Law, November 1, 2005
26. Worked on Cases and Materials re: Terrorism and the Law for publication from 2006-2009
1. Access to Justice for All Canadians with a View to Restorative Justice – Can the Dream Be Realized? Recent CHRT Initiatives to Facilitate the Same, October 2011
2. Adjudicative Independence Issues facing the CHRT
3. Access to Justice and the Charter: A "Dialogue" between Administrative Tribunals and the Superior Courts
4. How to Write an Adjudicative Decision – Models From the CHRA