Meeting Canadians and Citizens of the World
Ms. Chotalia has delivered lectures at many national and international venues over her career. She recently spoke on May 6, 2014 in Calgary on Administrative Law and How to Conduct a Fair Hearing. For materials regarding her presentation contact her office at [email protected].
Ms. Chotalia has devoted her career to access for justice: She has implemented Access to Justice models of dispute resolution with customized hearing procedures in the capacity of Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunall:
2011 CHRT Annual Report , Report 2010 CHRT Annual Report , and 2009 CHRT Annual Report.
She has been invited to share her skills with lawyers and adjudicators at high profile conferences such as The Canadian Institute e.g Co-Chaired Advanced Training on Charter and Constitutional Law & Litigation with The Honourable Pierre Blais, P.C. Chief Justice, Federal Court of Appeal.
and The Federated Press.
A few of her speaking engagements include:
Ms. Chotalia was Distinguished Speaker at the Manitoba Law Faculty:
Ms. Chotalia was invited by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association to Address its National Rights Watch Conference to
Deliver the Lunch time key note Address "The Future of Human Rights Advocacy". Download presentation
Ms. Chotalia was invited to present at the international forum of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) where she spoke about the Duty to Consult and her work on Customized Justice procedures to facilitate meaningful resolution. Through her work Canada was applauded as Leader in Dispute Resolution.
Ms. Chotalia also shared her views at the PRAVASI BHARATIYA DIVAS CONVENTION 2011 (The Initiative for which were created by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh) and spoke about Advancing Equity – The Focus On Gender (
In Ottawa she was distiguished speaker at the Cathedral Hall, Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa Cathedral Arts Dinner Lecture where she spoke on “Access to Justice for all Canadians” .
Some of Ms. Chotalia's speaking engagements over the last few years include:
April Guest Lecturer - Canadian Bar Association National Immigration Law Conference
May American Bar Association, Employment Law Conference
March 15 Administrative law Essentials of Access to Justice - Aboriginal Law
May 6 Conducting a Fair Hearing Conference, Calgary, Albera
Feb. 14 & 15 “Introduction to the Decision Writing Process”, Principal Lecturer, Federated Press Conference - Ottawa, Ontario
Feb. 28 & 29 How to Run a Fair Hearing -Tips and Good Practices, Canadian Institute – Tribunal Training Course
Nov 24 Distinguished Lecturer Series, Law Faculty of the Univ. of Manitoba
Dec 9 Panelist - Judicial Mediation: re: The Judicial and Administrative Tribunal Mediation Experience in Ontario, OBA Conference Centre Toronto, ON
Nov 8 “Managing Change To Ensure Justice for Canadians", London, Ontario – Canadian Club
Oct 26 Advanced Administrative Law & Practice, Canadian Institute
Oct 24 “Access to Justice for all Canadians – Advocacy, Litigation, Adjudication”, Cathedral Arts– Ottawa, Ontario
Oct 22 "The Future of Human Rights Advocacy: The Journey of One Practitioner – From Advocacy to Adjudication”, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, RightsWatch National Conference – Calgary, Alberta
Oc. 12 “Access to Justice for Canadians – Mediation as a means to Restorative Justice & The Duty to Consult”, Association for Conflict Resolution – San Diego, California - International Day
Sept 19 Accès à la justice fondée sur la justice restauratrice : Initiatives au Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne, Université de Moncton – Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
Sept 22 “Human Rights in Context of Access to Justice and Practice of Law: From the Perspective of an Administrative Tribunal”, Dalhousie Law Hour, Schulich School of Law –University of Dalhousie, Halifax, Nova Scotia
June 10 “Advancing Equity - The Focus on Gender”, PBD Canada 2011, Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce – Toronto, Ontario
June 10 "Annual Update on Human Rights: Keeping on Top of Key Developments”,Ontario Bar Association – Toronto, Ontario (webcast)
June 2 Redéfinissons Ensemble L’accessibilité : La médiation obligatoire pour améliorer à l’accès à la justice ?, Panéliste à la table ronde sur l’accès à la justice avec Me Gilles Ouimet, bâtonnier du Québec, Congrès annuel du Barreau –Gatineau, Québec (CAPSULE 3 - Jeudi 2 juin)
May Advanced Training on Charter and Constitutional Law and Litigation conference - Co-Chair with The Hon. Mr. J. Blais (FCA); “Access to Justice and the Charter: A "Dialogue" between Administrative Tribunals, Courts and Parliament”, Canadian Institute – Ottawa,Ontario Co-Chair with The Honourable Chief Justice Blais of the Federal Court of Appeal
Mar 11 “Human Rights in Context of Access to Justice and Practice of Law”, Public Interest Day (PID), Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Ontario
Oct 22 “Access to Justice Initiatives: From the Perspective of an Administrative Tribunal”, Canadian Bar Association Aministrative Law Section North – Edmonton, Alberta
Ms. Chotalia engaged in the First National Consultations at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
As a Lawyer, she spoke at many major conferences including the International Bar Association, New Delhi, Nov. 1997 & Vancouver - Sept. 1998 & presented with paper to Sept 20, 2000 Amsterdam conference. She is a frequent CBA speaker and spoke at conferences such as the Canadian Bar Association /Commonwealth Bar Conference - Opening Plenary with Kim Campbell and Mr. Justice Richard Goldstone (Aug 1996). She is a frequent speaker at Civil Liberties and Human Rights forums such as the Sheldon Chumir human Rights Conference, Nov 3, 2007, as well as at Administrative Law Conferences, such as The Foundation of Administrative Justice, 2008.
Other speaking engagements include CASHRA (1994) -Fredericton, N.B., Forum on Charlottowne Accord - Faculty of Law (1993), the Alberta Writer's Guild; Canadian Information Processing Society International Conference; Lectures at the University of Alberta; Hamilton Race Relations Conference (Feb.1990); Education Department at University of Alberta (1991); NAIT - Future Trends Class, 1987 – 89; Center for Constitutional Studies, Faculty of Law (2005); continued speaking at various forums including Association des Juristes d’Expression Français de l’Alberta, Oct 2007 ; St. Thomas More Interfaith Celebration, Sept 2007 ; Sheldon Chumir Human Rights Conference, Nov 3, 2007
Ms. Chotalia has devoted her career to access for justice: She has implemented Access to Justice models of dispute resolution with customized hearing procedures in the capacity of Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunall:
2011 CHRT Annual Report , Report 2010 CHRT Annual Report , and 2009 CHRT Annual Report.
She has been invited to share her skills with lawyers and adjudicators at high profile conferences such as The Canadian Institute e.g Co-Chaired Advanced Training on Charter and Constitutional Law & Litigation with The Honourable Pierre Blais, P.C. Chief Justice, Federal Court of Appeal.
and The Federated Press.
A few of her speaking engagements include:
Ms. Chotalia was Distinguished Speaker at the Manitoba Law Faculty:
Ms. Chotalia was invited by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association to Address its National Rights Watch Conference to
Deliver the Lunch time key note Address "The Future of Human Rights Advocacy". Download presentation
Ms. Chotalia was invited to present at the international forum of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) where she spoke about the Duty to Consult and her work on Customized Justice procedures to facilitate meaningful resolution. Through her work Canada was applauded as Leader in Dispute Resolution.
Ms. Chotalia also shared her views at the PRAVASI BHARATIYA DIVAS CONVENTION 2011 (The Initiative for which were created by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh) and spoke about Advancing Equity – The Focus On Gender (
In Ottawa she was distiguished speaker at the Cathedral Hall, Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa Cathedral Arts Dinner Lecture where she spoke on “Access to Justice for all Canadians” .
Some of Ms. Chotalia's speaking engagements over the last few years include:
April Guest Lecturer - Canadian Bar Association National Immigration Law Conference
May American Bar Association, Employment Law Conference
March 15 Administrative law Essentials of Access to Justice - Aboriginal Law
May 6 Conducting a Fair Hearing Conference, Calgary, Albera
Feb. 14 & 15 “Introduction to the Decision Writing Process”, Principal Lecturer, Federated Press Conference - Ottawa, Ontario
Feb. 28 & 29 How to Run a Fair Hearing -Tips and Good Practices, Canadian Institute – Tribunal Training Course
Nov 24 Distinguished Lecturer Series, Law Faculty of the Univ. of Manitoba
Dec 9 Panelist - Judicial Mediation: re: The Judicial and Administrative Tribunal Mediation Experience in Ontario, OBA Conference Centre Toronto, ON
Nov 8 “Managing Change To Ensure Justice for Canadians", London, Ontario – Canadian Club
Oct 26 Advanced Administrative Law & Practice, Canadian Institute
Oct 24 “Access to Justice for all Canadians – Advocacy, Litigation, Adjudication”, Cathedral Arts– Ottawa, Ontario
Oct 22 "The Future of Human Rights Advocacy: The Journey of One Practitioner – From Advocacy to Adjudication”, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, RightsWatch National Conference – Calgary, Alberta
Oc. 12 “Access to Justice for Canadians – Mediation as a means to Restorative Justice & The Duty to Consult”, Association for Conflict Resolution – San Diego, California - International Day
Sept 19 Accès à la justice fondée sur la justice restauratrice : Initiatives au Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne, Université de Moncton – Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
Sept 22 “Human Rights in Context of Access to Justice and Practice of Law: From the Perspective of an Administrative Tribunal”, Dalhousie Law Hour, Schulich School of Law –University of Dalhousie, Halifax, Nova Scotia
June 10 “Advancing Equity - The Focus on Gender”, PBD Canada 2011, Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce – Toronto, Ontario
June 10 "Annual Update on Human Rights: Keeping on Top of Key Developments”,Ontario Bar Association – Toronto, Ontario (webcast)
June 2 Redéfinissons Ensemble L’accessibilité : La médiation obligatoire pour améliorer à l’accès à la justice ?, Panéliste à la table ronde sur l’accès à la justice avec Me Gilles Ouimet, bâtonnier du Québec, Congrès annuel du Barreau –Gatineau, Québec (CAPSULE 3 - Jeudi 2 juin)
May Advanced Training on Charter and Constitutional Law and Litigation conference - Co-Chair with The Hon. Mr. J. Blais (FCA); “Access to Justice and the Charter: A "Dialogue" between Administrative Tribunals, Courts and Parliament”, Canadian Institute – Ottawa,Ontario Co-Chair with The Honourable Chief Justice Blais of the Federal Court of Appeal
Mar 11 “Human Rights in Context of Access to Justice and Practice of Law”, Public Interest Day (PID), Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Ontario
Oct 22 “Access to Justice Initiatives: From the Perspective of an Administrative Tribunal”, Canadian Bar Association Aministrative Law Section North – Edmonton, Alberta
Ms. Chotalia engaged in the First National Consultations at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
As a Lawyer, she spoke at many major conferences including the International Bar Association, New Delhi, Nov. 1997 & Vancouver - Sept. 1998 & presented with paper to Sept 20, 2000 Amsterdam conference. She is a frequent CBA speaker and spoke at conferences such as the Canadian Bar Association /Commonwealth Bar Conference - Opening Plenary with Kim Campbell and Mr. Justice Richard Goldstone (Aug 1996). She is a frequent speaker at Civil Liberties and Human Rights forums such as the Sheldon Chumir human Rights Conference, Nov 3, 2007, as well as at Administrative Law Conferences, such as The Foundation of Administrative Justice, 2008.
Other speaking engagements include CASHRA (1994) -Fredericton, N.B., Forum on Charlottowne Accord - Faculty of Law (1993), the Alberta Writer's Guild; Canadian Information Processing Society International Conference; Lectures at the University of Alberta; Hamilton Race Relations Conference (Feb.1990); Education Department at University of Alberta (1991); NAIT - Future Trends Class, 1987 – 89; Center for Constitutional Studies, Faculty of Law (2005); continued speaking at various forums including Association des Juristes d’Expression Français de l’Alberta, Oct 2007 ; St. Thomas More Interfaith Celebration, Sept 2007 ; Sheldon Chumir Human Rights Conference, Nov 3, 2007
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